Grand Commandery of New Mexico State News August 2024

             James E. Bungard, REGC

The following is the Grand Commanders Report for the Grand Quarterly held on July 25, 2024:

Good Sir Knights of New Mexico Division, Greetings!

I salute you and am proud to represent the Grand Jurisdiction of New Mexico.

The Grand sessions have concluded and we are over 3 months into a new Templar year in New Mexico. Thank you to all the Sir Knights that have accepted appointment to the grand lines and congratulations to all the elected officials. Well, be assured that since the Grand Sessions in April all the Grand Commandry Committees have been filled and we are already diligently working on the Grand Sessions for 2025. It is my wish that the entire Grand Commandry communicates with transparency to each other. All the KT Magazine Supplements have been published to the editor up through July 2024. The Land of Enchantment Festival is upon us we have been working and planning diligently on preparing to make it a success. It appears we are going to have a very suitable class.

I have generated two General Orders and there have been no requests for Special Dispensation this quarter. General Order No.1 was for Ascension Day services; General Order No.2 was a formal letter to announce the following: elected officers to serve as Grand Commandry officers within this jurisdiction; the appointed officers by the Grand Commander along with the required committee chairmen established by REGC. Two more General Orders should be coming soon; one to formally establish the Grand Commanders visitation schedule and another for the Knight Templar Scholarship Fund.
It was a pleasure to see the various dignitaries and our esteemed Sir Knights from several States recently in Albuquerque at the Red Cross of Constantine Southwest Regional Assembly. The conferral of the various degrees was outstanding. Locally the Grand York Rite of Knights Templar in NM had the pleasure to represent you at the following events: Valley of Las Cruces Scottish Rite Spring Reunion in April. Honor Guard detail at the International Order of Rainbow Grand Assembly Installation Grand Banquet. Many thanks to SK Harry Jenkins for spearheading the Honor Guard detail and the five SK’s that dedicated their time to this event. In addition, I was also offered the opportunity to be able to extend fraternal greetings from Grand Commandery of New Mexico at the Grand Commandery of Texas’s conference in El Paso, TX, it was a pleasure to visit with the 3 heads of the Grand Yorkrite bodies of Texas and the conference was very informative. Many thanks to PEGC’s Dennis Detrow and James Overfelt for assisting me in providing material for the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in New Mexico’s Yorkrite display table, static display and literature for perspective Companions/Sir Knights at this year’s MASONICon in June.
Events coming up later in the year which you are welcome to participate in are at the following; 69th Triennial Conclave Salt Lake City, UT 17-21 August 2024, Southwest Regional Conference in Salt Lake City UT, November 1-2, 2024 and Colorado River Fall Festival, October 20-22 in Laughlin NV.

Traditionally during this time of the year, Lodges are dark. Sir Knights and families are traveling, camping, etc. and having fun. I want to wish everyone a safe and joyous Summer! May it be safe and filled with family and friends! and God Bless America!!

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