Knight Masons

Knight Masonry contains those Degrees which are worked within a council of Knight Masons under the jurisdictionof the Grand Council of Knight Masons, The Grand Council of Knight Masons was formed in 1923 to look after the Degrees which were previously worked in Royal Arch Chapters, Preceptories of High Knight Templars and even a Prince Rose Croix Chapter. The degrees of Knight Masonry are also referred to as the “Green Degrees”.

The history of the Judean people, as contained in the Roll of the Law, including the books of Ezra, Jeremiah and Esdras, records three outstanding episodes intimatley connected with Irish Universal Masonry:-

  1. The building of King Solomon’s Temple – Craft Masonry
  2. The repairs by King Josiah – Irish Royal Arch Masonry
  3. The building of the second Temple by Zerubabbel after the return of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin from their 70 years of Captivity in Babylon circa 536 B.C.E. – Knight Masonry

So by becoming a Knight Mason you are completing a sequence intimately related to the teaching of Masonry.


Knight Masons

There are three Degrees in Knight Masonry formerly known as the Red Cross Degrees;

  • Knight of the Sword – formerly Red Cross of Daniel or Babylonian Pass, in which we learn of Zerubabbel’s visit to the court of King Cyrus of Persia.
  • Knight Of the East – formerly Jordon Pass, which covers Zerubabbel”s later visit to the court of King Darius.
  • Knight of the East and West – formerly Royal Order, when Zerubabbel returns to his fellow countrymen in Jerusalem.

Master Masons having become Mark Master Masons and Royal Arch Masons, may after one year become Knight Masons. They may request to join a Council, they do not have to wait to be asked. By becoming a Knight Mason one discovers a closer degree of intimacy and friendship; as there are a relativly small number of Knight Masons’ Councils, members are encouraged to visit other Councils where they will always be made very welcome.

There are Knight Mason’ Councils throughout Ireland and they can also be found in the United States of America, South Africa and as far afield as Hong Kong.

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